About Hub City Business Network
Who We Are
Hub City Business Network (HCBN), is a Hattiesburg-based business networking group that meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 7:30 A.M. till 8:30 A.M. Our membership is composed of some of the finest and best-respected business men and women in Hattiesburg. Our networking model is predicated on the idea that people do business with people they know, trust, and like. Our members know that they can confidently refer business to a member and the referral will be handled in a timely, professional manner.
Hub City Business Network’s mission is to grow member business through word of mouth referrals, so missing a meeting can be hazardous to your wealth! Our organization also provides an opportunity to learn about each of the other members and what sort of referrals they are looking for.
HCBN permits only one person per discipline to join a chapter, so there is no conflict of interest among our members.
Why visit and join HCBN? Because what goes around, comes around. People who give business referrals, get business referrals.
HCBN Officers
Herman Dungan President
Eagle Eye Roofing
Victoria King Crabtree
KW Keller Williams Elite
Bethanne Defour
Coffee News
Morgan Kuhn Treasurer
Donnell & Company, PA